Backup Solutions Guide

SynologyNAS具有多種備份功能,所需軟體可於DSM(DiskStationManager)中的PackageCenter下載及安裝。不管是個人還是商業.用戶,都能在短時間內輕易地建立出安全 ...,SynologyDriveClientisaninstantaneous,bandwidth-saving,real-timebackupsolution,offeringexcelle...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[PDF] 備份解決方案概覽

Synology NAS 具有多種備份功能,所需軟體可於DSM (DiskStation Manager) 中的Package Center 下載及安裝。不管是個人還是商業. 用戶,都能在短時間內輕易地建立出安全 ...

Back up the data on my computer using Synology Drive Client

Synology Drive Client is an instantaneous, bandwidth-saving, real-time backup solution, offering excellent protection with up to 32 historical versions of a ...

A Comprehensive Guide to Synology Backup Software

Synology Backup Software is a powerful tool designed to facilitate data backup and recovery on Synology Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices.

Backup Solution for Windows and Linux Servers

Back up Windows and Linux servers with Synology's backup solutions. Quickly restore servers to virtual machines to minimize work disruptions.

Hyper Backup

Centralize data storage and backup, streamline file collaboration, optimize video management, and secure network deployment to facilitate data management.

Data Protection

Deploy, manage, and monitor all your backup tasks from a single console to simplify your data protection plan and cut down on maintenance. Efficient backup.

Backup & Data Protection

Store full-system backups of your Windows PC securely in the cloud with Synology C2 Backup. For maximum security, Synology C2 uses client-side encryption to ...

Active Backup for Business

Back up your Windows and Mac computers with Synology's backup solutions. Schedule backup tasks, perform bare-metal restoration, and quickly recover files.

Backup Solutions Guide | Synology SPOT

Learn how to build a comprehensive, robust backup strategy tailored to your business's unique needs. We'll walk through considerations to ...

Introducing Active Backup 2022 | Synology

Business-grade features without worrying about licenses, Active Backup centralizes backup tasks for VMware, Windows, Microsoft 365, ...


SynologyNAS具有多種備份功能,所需軟體可於DSM(DiskStationManager)中的PackageCenter下載及安裝。不管是個人還是商業.用戶,都能在短時間內輕易地建立出安全 ...,SynologyDriveClientisaninstantaneous,bandwidth-saving,real-timebackupsolution,offeringexcellentprotectionwithupto32historicalversionsofa ...,SynologyBackupSoftwareisapowerfultooldesignedtofacilitatedatabackupandrecoveryonSynologyNetworkAttache...